
“Learning opens the aperature of the heart.”

~Jen Mayer

The Practice of Equity Manager Series

7 Weeks, Virtual

The Practice of Equity Manager Series is a learning experience for managers who want to learn to lead their teams in ways that center equity and disrupts racism at work.  We created this series to share tools that help managers change their practices and behaviors so they can act in solidarity with their staffto discover new ways of working that create liberatory and inclusive workplaces.


Make Liberation Work Intensives

90-Minute Live or Recorded Virtual Sessions

 We've received lots of interest in how to create and support more liberatory work environments, and we're excited to launch a series of intensives that will dive deeper into each area of the employee life cycle, giving you an opportunity to practice making liberation work through case studies and real world application.

Staying Awake As A White Person In A Woke World

Self-Paced, Virtual

Staying Awake is a self-paced, "learn from anywhere" program that helps heart-centered white leaders develop the knowledge, practices and tools to turn racial anxiety into fuel for creating greater belonging, trust, and collective impact.

6 video learning modules that guide you through a transformative journey of understanding how racism operates and simple practices to counter its effect on you and your team

  • Made-for-you self-discovery assessments to help you unlock your path to wholehearted living and leading as a white person

  • A curated, time-saving library of trustworthy DEI resources (no googling and cobbling together of your own curriculum needed)

  • Conceptual learning combined with embodiment practices that connect and align head with heart so you can practice what you’ve learned and lead from your own conviction and values


Anti-Bias in Hiring

Self-Paced, Virtual

 We envision a world where workplaces are committed to disrupting and rooting out inequity and to working in solidarity with their team to co-create an amazing work experience.  We believe one way we can do that is to implement hiring practices that intentionally mitigate bias.  This course will help you learn how to do that.  The course is a self-paced course and features optional discussion guides for group learning.


Power Aware Series
*Coming Summer 2024*

90 Minute, Virtual Live Sessions

Come learn ways to work with your colleagues in ways that do not require domination and control. Many of us have been taught to manage our teams in a way that relies heavily on domination and control, which can cause inequity, oppression, harm. We do not have to operate that way to get things done, however. These sessions explore how we can operate in a more power aware way and still get things done.